
Navigating Travel Anxiety: A Guide to Finding Peace on The Road

Navigating Travel Anxiety

When travel brings on feelings of anxiety, here’s how to plan and stay grounded on your journey.

Travel is meant to be relaxing and restorative. Yet, there are always parts of the journey that can cause stress and lead to elevated feelings of anxiety.

While travel tends to be associated with relaxation and excitement, it can also create feelings of unease, discomfort and worry…otherwise known as travel anxiety.

Travel anxiety can manifest in a variety of ways, from worrying about flight delays to getting lost in a new city. It’s a common phenomenon that affects many people, regardless of age, gender, or travel experience. In addition, some individuals may have anxiety disorders and find travel even more daunting.

So, what can we all do to manage the anxiety that comes with travel?

Simply put, we can plan & strengthen our self-care toolkit!

Navigating Travel Anxiety: A Guide to Finding Calm on The Road

For all of us, situations of travel bring stress and sometimes anxiety.

It’s often the everyday things, like:

  • flying in an airplane
  • going someplace new
  • being away from your family, friends or pets
  • getting out of your routine
  • being outside of your comfort zone
  • be unfamiliar with the language

It’s normal to feel uncertain about visiting new places, yet for some anxiety can interfere with enjoying the much earned time away and add more stress to travel.

Fortunately, with a little bit of preparation, it is possible to make your travel adventures an engaging time of wonder and enjoyment.

Anxiety exists on a spectrum, so no one tool or approach suits everyone. But, knowing a few things before can help you stay calm and grounded so you can enjoy your time away.

Travel Anxiety 101

Anxiety is a normal and an expected feeling that everyone experiences in varying degrees. It is the body’s natural response to stress, and can manifest as physical symptoms such as a racing heart, sweating and shortness of breath.

But for some, anxiety is more elevated, layering additional challenges on top of travel. Given the increase of managing well-being alongside the pandemic, anxiety has become a reality for even more individuals.

Recently, a friend suggested that I take a deeper dive into this topic and share some ideas here on the blog. It couldn’t be more timely, given the worldwide increase in anxiety and the fact that travel schedules can still be a bit chaotic, even in 2023.

Since we’re all about well-being, I reached into some research and put together some well-known strategies to help us all better plan and enjoy our travels.

Be Prepared For The Journey: Identify Your Triggers

Everyone experiences anxiety differently, and it’s important to know the situations that cause you to feel most anxious.

Before you even travel, a good first step is to identify exactly what might cause you to experience anxiety. This could be anything from flying to meeting new people. Once you have identified the triggers, you can begin to create a plan for managing them.

If you’re feeling stuck trying to pinpoint what might cause anxiety, walk yourself through a typical travel day to see what comes up.

Do Your Research

It’s natural to feel more anxious when things are out of our control, and travel can certainly serve up plenty of the unexpected, like delays and cancellations.

So knowing what to expect can reduce the risk of unknown and put you at ease.

The key to this part of the puzzle, is doing your research. Here are things to consider and actively plan for your trip:

  • research your transportation and add in extra time around those pieces
  • research hotels & look at the reviews
  • reach out to people who’ve been to your location and get their feedback
  • research the destination & make a plan for daily activities

In addition, it can be helpful to take this information and create a schedule for your trip. Having a plan will help to reduce stress and create a sense of control. As well as, it allows you to make space for rest and relaxation. And we could all use more of that these days, right!

Use Relaxation Techniques

When it comes to managing the feelings of travel anxiety, there are many techniques to help reduce stress & anxiety and create a sense of calm. Having tools to soothe your nervous system is key and includes things like:

  • deep breathing
  • mindful practices
  • meditation
  • guided imagery
  • progressive muscle relaxation
  • EFT Tapping

Ultimately, which you choose to incorporate into your self-care travel plan really depends on what resonates with you.

There are lots of apps that provide tools at no or low cost. Personally, I love insight timer for the breadth and depth of their tools and have used it for years. In addition, a few years ago while recovering from surgery, I found myself dealing with anxiety and found tapping to be a helpful tool. The free anxiety track on The Tapping Solution was my go-to.

Prioritize Self-Care On The Road

Once you have arrived at your destination, it is important to nourish your mind, body & spirit.

Navigating Travel Anxiety: Finding Peace on The ROad

While your needs and desires will change from trip to trip, here are some ways to practice self-care that will leave your grounded:

  • get enough sleep
  • plan things that will bring your joy
  • spend time in quiet spaces
  • take a book, crossword puzzle or music to distract you
  • remind yourself why you are taking the adventure in the first place
  • do something to relax & unwind daily
  • use your senses to stay grounded
  • enjoy a leisurely warm drink, like tea or coffee
  • try mindful photography

In the end, the most important thing is tuning in to what you need, so you can nourish yourself in the ways that work best.

Get Nurtured By Nature

Spending time in nature can help relieve stress and anxiety, as well as boost feelings of happiness and wellbeing. So, be sure to spend some time in green or blue spaces to tap into those feelings of blissful calm.

Navigating Travel Anxiety: A Guide to Finding Peace on The Road

Spending time exploring a city? Don’t worry, even a walk in an urban area can boost your mood.

A mindful photo walk is a great way to add the joy of photography to your city adventures. Personally, next to photo walks, eating lunch in the park is one of my favorite ways to enjoy the fresh air when I’m exploring new places. There is nothing like nature to set things right!

Stay Connected: Reach Out For Support

Finally, it is important to stay connected with others when you’re on the road.

This can include reaching out to friends and family, or a support network. It’s a good idea to have at least one trusted person to talk when you need reassurance.

Reaching out can also help to create a sense of connection and belonging, which are essential for managing anxiety. In addition, checking-in with others is a self-care practice that is supportive of overall well-being and makes the journey that much sweeter.

Managing travel anxiety might be challenging at times, but with the right strategies, it’s possible to enjoy your time away and return home feeling refreshed and recharged.

With these tips, you can make your vacation a time of healing and growth. And that’s exactly what travel should be!

until the next time…
…live well – travel well – be well

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Travel Coach, Teacher, photographer, serious dreamer & coffee lover who calls italy home

I'm Deanna, Your
Guide to Travel That
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Integrating my life's work in Education and Sports Medicine, with my love of travel, I created Travel to Well-Being to help you amplify travel & photography as a wellness practices. It's a space of inspiration, empowerment & well-being.

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