Join The Capturing Wellness Newsletter and grow your well-being toolkit!

It's life at the intersection of wellness, travel, and photography...
rooted in la dolce vita lifestyle.

Capturing Wellness is an opportunity to invest in yourself !

Make time for your own growth and give yourself regular pauses to relax & unwind with monthy doses of well-being & travel.
It's Everything you need to craft your own wellness journey, like:

  • Mindful photography prompts & challenges
  • Wellness travel tips
  • An inside look at traveling Italy & la dolce vita
  • Self-coaching resources
  • Tools to help you plan trips that light you up inside
  • First to know details about learning opportunities


Privacy matters, so we will never share your email address or data. Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time if the newsletter no longer serves you.

" We wanted to treat you to a coffee and say thanks for your Bath (England) recommendations and all that we got from your newsletter. "
- S & G

"I don't do social media to leave a review, but I wanted to say Congrats on your newsletter. "
- James

"The Venice wellness info, it's great!
- Dee

Why Join Our Community?

  • Wellness can seem complicated, our approach is not, simple steps make life & travel better
  • Time is our most valuable resource, so it's uncomplicated & packed with resources
  • I'm a right to the point kinda gal: yes to visuals, templates & lists
  • Share your wonderments & ideas, and ask any questions with the click of a button
  • It's the most direct way to communicate, no algorithms means you won't miss a thing


Ciao, I'm Deanna and I'd love to welcome you to our newsletter service, Capturing Wellness. It's a place to discover how to meaningfully explore the world.

We'll send you practical travel tips, as well as updates and discounts on courses & services.

Join the community of travelers who are building their best lives, through travel.

you wanna craft meaningful adventures, don't you?

Don't let time pass you by, stop & savor! Get the ideas, tools &  inspiration you need to plan travels that transform your life.
