
Travel Your Way to Better Well-Being

Travel Your Way to Better Well-Being

If you’re curious about how well-being & travel fit together, get comfortable and read on. You’ll discover some practical ideas for how to cultivate well-being through travel!

Those who love travel know just how recharging it can be.

Few of us would argue that travel is anything less than enriching and sometimes even life-changing.

It’s awesome!

With wellness booming worldwide, and a renewed focus on mental health due to the pandemic, shining the light on well-being couldn’t be more timely.

Conversations around health & well-being seem to be everywhere and it’s about time!

Nothing is more important than health & well-being, because without it, not much else matters. Health and well-being is at the core of our lives.

Why Health & Well-Being Matter

So, what are we talking about when we say well-being & travel in the same breath?

We’re talking about meaningful travel that enhances your mind, body, & spirit. Travel that provides opportunities to learn, grow, & transform.

Travel that matters…to YOU! And that makes you a better person.

How to Travel Your Way to Better Well-Being

There are many ways we can cultivate well-being and travel is definitely one of the best around!

I know that as an avid traveler, time & time again my mind & body have benefitted from my adventures.

Travel has helped me help me to stay sane, restore balance, and find more joy. As well as heal grief and make heartfelt memories with family & friends.

In fact, beyond the well-known health benefits of travel, a University of Surrey study found that even the simple act of planning for a vacation increases happiness.

You know that good feeling, right?

How to Approach to Well-Being

More and more, the research is showing us that certain day to day things we do can improve our health & well-being.

This is something that has definitely played out in my life over recent years, so I am keen to share and promote well-being practices.

Travel Your Way to Better Well-Being

I’ve previously written about wellness travel and why I advocate the approach is for everyone.

In fact, I ‘m a tireless advocate for health & well-being, especially through the avenue of travel.

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I bang on about this stuff all the time. 🤣

Why? Well…

Because your health is THE thing that changes everything else.

Well-being is increasingly finding its way into our language and culture. Yet, like the word wellness, there are many definitions and interpretations.

So, how is well-being different than wellness? And how does that translate to travel?

Let’s dive in and find out! While Well-being and wellness share many things in common. Yet, they are conceptually different things.

What is Wellness ?

Wellness has to do with the intentions, actions, & activities we undertake to maintain and enhance our state of being.

The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health.

Travel Your Way to Well-Being

I simply think of wellness as an active process of living an engaged life.

Since it’s a dynamic process of change & growth, it involves using strategies, techniques & tools that will support optimum well-being.

Wellness is the integration of the mind, body, & spirit throughout life’s journey.

What is Well-Being ?

Well-being is the positive OUTCOME of wellness.

It comes from your thoughts, actions, and experiences.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines well-being as “the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy”.

However, well-being is a broader concept than just moment-to-moment happiness. It can be measured in multiple ways in the overall quality of life. It helps to think of it as an umbrella term.

It’s a state of being that also includes:

  • how we feel about ourselves
  • how well we function
  • how satisfied we are we with life
  • the quality of our relationships
  • having a sense of purpose

It may seem broad to define, but most of us know what it feels like when we feel good and are thriving versus when we feel burned out and are on survival mode.


Travel Your Way to Better Well-Being

Well-being encompasses all of the things in life that are important to us.

The Center for Healthy Minds at The University of Wisconsin describes well-being in a more actionable way saying: “It’s not a static “thing” – but a set of skills that can be learned and cultivated over time”.

Which means, with a little intention, we can enhance our well-being.

We can flourish!

Just think of it this way: in travel terms, if well-being is the destination, wellness is the way to get there.

What is Wellness Travel ?

So, how does wellness travel fit into the picture of personal health & well-being?

The Wellness Tourism Association defines wellness travel as ” travel that allows the traveler to maintain, enhance or kick-start a healthy lifestyle, and support or increase one’s sense of wellbeing”.

Which means, if we…

marry wellness (the pursuit of activities that enhance health) with well-being (the outcomes of more energy, happiness, & satisfaction)…

you can start to see how travel is an ideal AVENUE that brings them together. Right?

Basically, the wellness oriented activities we do, lead to the experience and outcome of better well-being.

Well-Being Travel

Unsurprisingly, The Global Wellness Institute sites that wellness travel is growing at more than twice the rate of general tourism.

It’s probably not a long shot to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has only fueled this trend even more.

People simply want to travel well and be well.

Why Wellness Travel Supports Everyone’s Well-Being

One of our core tenants is that travel is a way to well-being. An opportunity to enrich your life and enhance your health.

As a health educator, I consider myself pro wellness and pro people. Meaning the only thing you really need on your journey, is YOU and your intuition.

Well, and perhaps a few tools to help along the way! 😉

How to Travel Your Way to Better Well-Being

While wellness travel has traditionally been thought of as luxury spa holidays and exclusive retreats., it’s really so much more!

In truth, wellness travel can happen anywhere, anytime, on any budget.

It’s really a personal approach that combines any number of things, both inside and outside of ourselves that contribute to the betterment of our mind & body.

Since well-being is more of an inside-out job, wellness travel is more holistic than it sometimes appears.

Some of the most valuable well-being tools we have are those we possess and choose to practice. Things like self-reflection, mindfulness, and the ability to listen to our inner guidance. Often, the tuning-in and healing we need starts from within.

Planning a Trip That Enhances Well-Being

Well-being is unique to every one of us and arises from the awareness of where we are & what we need.

So, traveling for well-being, is about bringing your wellness goals & travel dreams into one place.

It’s about creating spaces that center around overall well-being.

Travel Your Way to Well-Being

Sometimes the path to well-being can be packaged for you, like a dedicated health retreat or a bespoke wellness vacation that focuses on things like meditation, yoga, or fitness.

But, if you’re the type of person who likes to take charge of your own agenda and direct your own experiences, it’s also quite simple to plan trips on your own.

Whether you are planning a trip that is primarily motivated by wellness, or simply looking for a few elements to incorporate, it’s easy to plan.

Firstly, you can start with a simple set of wellness planning questions to get the ball rolling.

Alternatively, you could find your focus by choosing a theme, something like:

  • digital detox
  • movement
  • relaxation
  • family time
  • cultural enrichment

The exciting this is this, because every destination has something unique to offer travelers, traveling with an eye to better well-being can take you anywhere in the world.

Can you say Italy, Bali, Scotland…here I come !!

Yet, you don’t have to travel far and wide to combine wellness with travel. Even a local staycation or day trip can offer tidbits of time to recharge when schedules don’t allow for weekend or extended getaways.

As Travel to Well-Being champions, you can tune-in, thrive, & transform through travel. That’s the beauty of what any trip can do.

The great opportunity post pandemic is reimagining every moment of travel as an opportunity to enrich our lives and enhance our health & well-being.

It’s my hope that these ideas will help you on both the inner and outer journey of travel.

Buon viaggio!

until the next time…
…live well – travel well – be well

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Travel Coach, Teacher, photographer, serious dreamer & coffee lover who calls italy home

I'm Deanna, Your
Guide to Travel That
Inspires Well-Being!

Wellness is my path, passion & guiding light.

Integrating my life's work in Education and Sports Medicine, with my love of travel, I created Travel to Well-Being to help you amplify travel & photography as a wellness practices. It's a space of inspiration, empowerment & well-being.

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