Dive-in to discover how to deepen your well-being and cultivate self-awareness on your next travel adventure.
Self-awareness is one of the most important psychological traits we develop in life. It affects, well…just about everything!
It’s also one of those terms that gets thrown around a lot, making it difficult to understand.
But, here’s the thing.
Self-awareness is an important skill. One that can be intentionally cultivated and ultimately helps us make progress with our personal growth. It has the potential to enhance almost everything we do, including travel.
It’s a tool and a practice that can be used anywhere, anytime, to ground yourself in the moment, honestly evaluate yourself, and help you make good choices.

There are many ways to improve self-awareness.
Fact is, travel is an ideal time to work in the things that can help us to tune-in and improve our self-awareness.
Well, because new places get us out of our routines and force us to be more aware. In that sense, travel serves as a precursor to growth. It allows us to step out of our everyday life and expand our perspectives.
Travel is about self-discovery and self-awareness is the beginning of the journey.
What is Self-Awareness?
Self-awareness is about being in tune with what you’re thinking & feeling.
Think of it as the ability to tune in to your own feelings, thoughts, and actions. And really learn about yourself.

When you are self-aware, you focus your attention within. To notice things such as your emotions, thoughts, actions, and even your breathing.
You know, the things we tend to miss when we’re on autopilot mode!
Self-awareness helps us to:
- recognize our strengths and challenges
- manage our emotions
- understand what motivates us
- align our behavior with our values
- develop a growth mindset and learn from mistakes
- recognize the power we have to influence outcomes
For me, this last point is the best aspect of self-awareness. In fact, when I read this recently in a Better Up article, I totally related!
I feel better about that state of my life when I can shift my attention from what’s happening around me, to what’s going on inside of me.
It’s agency, and that feels good! It brings peace, as well as leads to less stress and clearer thinking.
Self-Awareness & Travel
Here at Travel to Well-Being, we believe that travel is a journey of learning and growth. A way to tune-in and transform the mind & body.
Self-awareness has to do with the tuning-in, or going inward part.
When we’re self-aware, we understand our strengths and challenges and know what helps us thrive, be present and fully live.
So, self-awareness enables us to learn from our travel experiences. The more we know about ourselves, the more we can recognize what would help us progress and make changes.
It’s central to our personal growth and development. And it’s the glue that helps us be our best selves because it leads to transformation.

Self-awareness is all about knowing the one thing in life we have control over, our perception of our own world.
The biggest reason why self-awareness is so important is that it allows us to better control our own mindset, and turn it into something positive, despite the circumstances.
It’s deep but necessary work for moving from surviving to flourishing.
7 Ways to Cultivate Self-Awareness When Traveling
So how exactly do you cultivate self-awareness while traveling?
Just like other parts of our health and well-being, there are some tools we can use. Here are 7 simple yet effective ways that will help you to deepen your process of self-reflection and enhance your overall well-being.
The good news is that no matter where you roam, these can be worked into any length trip, from a day trip to a weekend getaway or beyond.
Practice Mindfulness
There is lots of talk about mindfulness these days and it is simply the practice of observing what is going on in your mind, body, and environment. And doing it with focus and and a non-judgmental acceptance of what is happening.
Mindfulness is a way to intentionally direct our thoughts inward.
Mindfulness is similar to self-awareness in that they both relate to intentionally directing our attention inward, in order to become more aware of our inner state of being.
But, mindfulness includes focused attention in the moment to whatever one is doing, and involves formal practices such as meditation or a quieting of the mind.

In addition, mindfulness can bring informally brought to our activities of daily living.
So when traveling, it can look like stopping to fully be present for the sunset, taking a mindful photo walk or mindfully savoring a culinary treat.
It helps us to better be present in the moment, something we all crave more of in life!
Unplug from Your Daily Digital Life
We all need to digitally detox once in a while so make pockets of time to be away from screens when you travel. It gives your brain the much needed rest it craves.
More importantly, it will give you the opportunity to better be present and explore your locales.
It’s also a good way to relax and get comfortable with your own company. Which is necessary if we want to learn about ourselves and our place in the world.
Journaling & Photography
Journaling is one of the most effective tools in developing self-awareness. It’s a great way to pay attention to both our external and internal worlds and reflect on our travel experiences.

Writing our thoughts or ideas can help us open up to those vulnerable places within.
It sometimes reveals what contemplation does not, so this method of self-exploration may assist you in expanding your self-awareness.
Telling your story, noting your dreams and reveling in your travel adventures — these are ways your subconscious can speak to you, revealing what matters.
If you’re more of a visual kinda person, try adding photography into the mix. Explore the world with a camera as your compass, then reflect on what you capture. Combine it with writing for thee ultimate reflection.
Take a Walk in Nature
The mind tends to wander along with our feet, so with a little conscious nudging (and walking), we can reflect on things that are currently happening in our lives.
In addition, the fact that it’s a great way to find the nooks and crannies of new locales and stay in shape, makes it an ideal match for travel.
Try a mindful photo walk. It can shine a light on the beauty, both the ordinary and the extraordinary.
Embrace Solitude
Sometimes we just need to turn down the external noise, to better hear what is going on inside.
Solitude promotes self-change as it frees us from the needs and expectations of other people. Thus, allowing us the inward reflection that is necessary to better learn who we are.
In addition, solitude also allows us to tap into our imagination. It’s our imagination that introduces us to the possibilities and that shows us who we can become.

Finding alone time is one of my favorite self-care practices while traveling. I relish the mind space to just be!
Treat Yourself
It’s important from time to step out of our normal 9-5 living routines and “come up for some air”.
So, take some time just for yourself.
You might choose to do something new, or visit someplace you’ve been itching to see, or perhaps do nothing much at all!
Do what feels right for you.
Remind yourself that you are not on a time-clock. Break the pattern of go-go-go, and simply be who you are, doing what you want and enjoying your free time!
Be a Student of Life
Just as traveling leads us to more self-aware by putting us in novel situations, learning something new increases self-awareness by forcing us to think and act in new ways.
As adults, it’s easy to get stuck in our ways. Yet, learning new things can open up our minds and create freshness in how we see things. And creating mental shifts in how we see the world, leads to personal growth.

So, schedule in some purposeful learning.
Take a cooking class, attend an exhibition, or do something new that pushes you out of your comfort zone.
Continuous learning in life means you continually give energy to the pursuit of awareness about yourself, others, and the world. Which, is time and energy well spent.
Let’s face it, our lives can get overwhelming quite quickly if we are unaware of what is going on in our inner world.
We all need time to quiet our minds and open our hearts, so we can live more authentic lives.
Be sure to schedule in your next travel adventure soon, to give yourself the time and to practice self-reflection and build your self-awareness. So you can be the best & most authentic you!
until the next time…
…live well – travel well – be well
More Inspiration…
- Grief & Travel: Ways to Find Healing on The Road
- 7 Surprising Ways to Deal with Travel Loneliness
- Escape The Everyday with These Self-Care Day Trip Ideas

Written with content from Berkeley Well-Being Institute.