
Discover the Magic of Edinburgh with Mindful Photography

Mindful Photography Locations Edinburgh

Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, is a treasure trove of photography locations.

With its old-world charm, rich history, and breathtaking landscapes, this city offers endless opportunities for you to sink into mindfully capturing your experiences. Whether you’re a professional photographer or an enthusiast, Edinburgh is sure to inspire.

Discover the Magic of Edinburgh with Mindful Photography

This guide will take you through the best mindful photography locations in Edinburgh and provide some practical tips and insights to help you make the most of your journey.

So grab your camera and let’s dive into the mesmerizing world of mindful photography in Edinburgh!

Mindful Photography in Edinburgh

Regular readers will know that we champion a mindful approach to travel and photography here at Travel to Well-Being.

That’s because travel and photography provide unique opportunities to nourish your mind and body, explore with curiosity, and find meaning. It’s self-care at its finest and we’re all about that!

Mindful photography is type of photography that encourages us to be present in the moment and focus on enjoying the the process as much as the outcome. It’s about slowing down the pace and taking notice of the world around you.

Discover The Magic of Edinburgh with Mindful Photography

Focusing on mindfulness is a wonderful way to align your mind & heart with the process of photography.

Marrying your heart and soul with the moment, the camera becomes a mind-body tool that allows you to be more present and connect with your experience. In return, you become intentional with what you capture and experience the state of flow.

In the last several years, mindful photography has emerged as a way to cultivate well-being and personal growth, making it an ideal undertaking to deepen our experiences in fast paced modern life.

7 Mindful Photography Locations in Edinburgh

Maybe you’re wondering exactly where to start your explorations in a photogenic city like Edinburgh? Especially given the fact that there are so many hidden corners, textured details, & architectural gems to explore.

It can be hard to know where to start, but whether you prefer smartphone photography or use a DSLR, this guide can help.

Edinburgh happens to be one of my favorite cities in the world and I always time set aside for mindful photography jaunts. For me, it’s an engaging way to connect my inner and outer worlds.

Mindful Photography at Ross Fountain Edinburgh

Early Morning Birdbath at Ross Fountain, Princes Street Gardens.

If you prefer solitude, wandering early in the morning will add a lovely layer of tranquility. This is also true of other popular tourist destinations like London, Rome, and Venice.

This Edinburgh list combines a bit of nature with historic city features, making it the perfect combination of mindful photography locations. This way, you can organically experience the city, at your own pace, through the lens.

So, let’s delve into the possibilities.

The Royal Mile

The Royal Mile is the historic heart of Edinburgh, stretching from Edinburgh Castle to Holyrood Palace. This iconic street is lined with medieval architecture, unique shops, and captivating landmarks, making it a treasure trove for photographers seeking to capture the essence of Edinburgh’s rich history.

Discover the Magic of Edinburgh with Mindful Photography

Yet, the secret to really experiencing The Royal Mile through the lens, lies in the timing.

If you want to explore it as an unpopulated space, go early in the morning. Depending on the time of year you visit and first light, even 8-10 am in the summer is way less populated than later in the day. If on the other hand, you love capturing vibrant street life, during the day is ideal.

Here’s why it’s mindful:

  • it’s an ideal place to wander without agenda & let your curiosity lead
  • the architecture is rich in details, lines and angles
  • the Closes (thin walkways) are atmospheric

Dunbar’s Close Garden

One simple turn off of the Royal Mile is Dunbar’s Close. One of its many hidden gems, this cobble stone courtyard is a serene 17th century style garden. A verdant oasis of yew lined compartments and stonework, it encompasses what Scotland does best, marry history and the landscape.

Discover the Magic of Edinburgh with Mindful Photography

Dunbar’s close offers a bit of calm right in the heart of The Old Town. It’s easy to pop in and have the place to yourself, making it ideal to slow down and sink into capturing the details. It’s another one of those places that is a stop for me on every trip to Edinburgh.

  • Divided into 8 sections, each patch provides a unique perspective
  • The many benches make it ideal to contemplate, reflect and/or journal
  • The blooms are ideal for macro photography

The Vennel Steps

The Vennel is a historic staircase that offers unexpected and stunning views of The Edinburgh Castle. This unusual vantage point provides a fantastic opportunity to capture the grandeur of the castle framed by the surrounding buildings.

Discover the Magic of Edinburgh with Mindful Photography

The easiest way to access The Vennel Steps is from The Grassmarket. While the greenery will change depending on what time of the year you visit, so be sure to go up and down the stairs to experience the varying perspectives. This spot has certainly grown in popularity over the years, so consider that when choosing the time of day you want to visit.

Here’s why it’s mindful:

  • early morning allows you to experience the magic of golden hour
  • the steps provide many angles to experiment with
  • the many textures & lines of the buildings pull you right into the scene

Calton Hill

Calton Hill is undeniably one of the most popular and picturesque spots for photography in Edinburgh. Located in the city center, this hill offers breathtaking views of the cityscape, making it an ideal location for capturing a variety of city panoramas.

Discover the Magic of Edinburgh with Mindful Photography

Hands down, this is one of Edinburgh’s best photography locations! With views over The Old Town and The Royal Mile, as well as sweeping views of Holyrood Park and The Firth of Forth, there is something for every photo lover to capture here.

Here’s why it’s mindful:

  • awe-inspiring views
  • sunset is magical
  • a zoom lens will allow you to get lost in the relationship between the many buildings & monuments

Dean Village

Tucked away along the Water of Leith walkway, Dean Village is a little corner of the city that feels like a scene straight out of a fairytale. The colorful buildings lining the stream and the quaint cobbled streets create a charming and picturesque atmosphere that is sure to inspire any photographer.

Discover the Magic of Edinburgh with Mindful Photography

Here’s why it’s mindful:

  • the colorful buildings and hued stone work transport you to another time & place
  • flower pots, doors & windows bring your attention to small details
  • the stream provides reflections

Greyfriars Kirkyard

Greyfriars Kirkyard is a hauntingly beautiful cemetery in the heart of the Old Town.

The 16th century graveyard surrounds The Greyfriars Kirk (Church), and is said to be one of the most haunted graveyards in the world. It’s also home to gravestones that are rumored to have inspired a few character names in the Harry Potter books. Making it one unique place to explore.

Discover the Magic of Edinburgh with Mindful Photography

Here’s why it’s a mindful place to wander:

  • the intricate monuments & tombstones are a visual treat
  • the many forms, lines, & textures draw your attention to the details
  • the history combined with the landscape is atmospheric

Salisbury Crags

If you want to do one scenic walk in Edinburgh to take photos, make it The Salisbury Crags!

Exploring the rocky slopes and cliffs is an invigorating way to spend the afternoon and come with stellar views of Edinburgh’s Old Town. The paths are easily accessible and begin at Holyrood Park, at the bottom of the Royal Mile. From here you can continue on to Arthur’s Seat, which is the highest point in the park.

Discover The Magic of Edinburgh with Mindful Photorgaphy

Here’s why it’s mindful:

  • the sweeping views give you an inspired perspective
  • the green surroundings bring you the calm of nature
  • the fresh air and breeze pull you into the present

Edinburgh has no shortage of engaging and mindful locations to explore, making it perfect for those of us who love to explore through the lens. Hopefully, you’ve found something here to peak your curiosity for your Edinburgh adventure.

until the next time…
…live well, travel well, be well

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Travel Coach, Teacher, photographer, serious dreamer & coffee lover who calls italy home

I'm Deanna, Your
Guide to Travel That
Inspires Well-Being!

Wellness is my path, passion, & guiding light.

Integrating my life's work in Health Education and Sports Medicine, with my love of travel, I created Travel to Well-Being to help you amplify travel & photography as wellness practices. It's a space of inspiration, empowerment, & well-being.

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