
Escape to a Healthier You: 25 Mind & Body Travel Tips

Dive into these 25 mind and body travel tips and transform your journey!

Do you long to find your balance, replenish your energy, and keep your mind & body in sync when you travel?

To return home with more pep in your step?
Feeling both centered and rejuvenated?
Yes, you say? Then these mind & body tips are for you!

There’s no doubt about it, travel is awesome! Besides being fun, it allows us to learn, grow, & discover more about ourselves and the world.

It’s a real-life education that brings us joy and transforms our lives for the better.

Travel has the ability to restore the mind, body, & spirit. It’s one of the many gifts of venturing to new places.

The Benefits of Traveling for The Mind & Body

It goes without saying, that when we are healthy & balanced meeting our adventures, not only is travel better but so too is our energy when we return to daily life.

Unsurprisingly, in today’s stress-filled world, travel has become an increasingly popular way to reboot. To take a break from a fast-paced world and return home refreshed.

As we strive to take care of ourselves, travel is an ideal way to reset the batteries, so to speak. Luckily, it’s rather simple during travel to engage with activities that enhance our health & well-being.

It only takes a bit of planning & listening to our bodies.

In a world full of distractions and complications, travel is a chance to escape and recharge the batteries. To be fully present and mindfully explore.

Travel is an ideal way to relax & unwind. It can help you stay in shape, find some peace within, or broaden your perspective. Whatever it is you need when you need it most!

Every trip has the potential to be wellness-oriented, whether just a little bit or a lot. That’s exactly why I’m a huge advocate for travel as a way to wellness. The fact that any trip can be personalized to restore or rejuvenate health, truly makes wellness travel for everyone.

My coaching approach focuses on holistic well-being. In that spirit, this article takes a holistic look at how to balance and recharge the mind, body, & spirit during travel.

You can take these mind & body travel tips with you on a day trip, a weekend getaway, or even a family vacation. In addition, you can use them anywhere in the world. Whether it’s a local outing or a dream trip to England, Scotland, or Italy!

Heck, they can even be a part of a wellness travel lifestyle, like they are for me!

Most importantly…
you can take the ideas that best resonate with you &
personalize them to fit your own health needs, goals & motivations.

Travel has proven to be a powerful tool in my self-care routine. Over the years, these practices have helped me to find more joy and better balance. So, try one, or try them all!

Give yourself space on your next adventure to get in touch with what’s really important…you!

Nourishing Mind & Body Travel Tips

The key to planning a trip that focuses on your mental and physical health is making sure that your plans incorporate activities and experiences that will benefit your overall wellbeing.

It’s about practicing self-care that works for you, based on where you are in this time or season of life.

With that in mind, here are 25 mind & body travel tips for your self-care travel toolkit:

Nourishing Tips for The Mind

Often, we look to travel to take a mental break and allow our brains to experience new things. So, here are 13 activities and practices to nourish your mind & spirit on the road:

Start the Day with an Affirmation

Kick-off your day from a place of positivity by affirming the good. Short & sweet, try something like:

  • I am open & ready to embrace the day.
  • I find joy in travel.
  • I am grateful for this adventure.


We all need time away from daily distractions to rest our brains, so be sure to include some tech-free time in your adventures. Feed your soul instead…take a risk or do something you rarely have time to do.

Explore Mindfully

Take the time to be mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Notice the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Focus on the present moment and savor the experience.

Go with The Flow

Listen to your gut when it tells you to scrap what you had planed & be spontaneous. Sometimes the best memories are made this way.

Do What Lights You Up Inside

Pure and simple, seek out things to do that bring you happiness, no matter how big or small. And work them into your itinerary, often!

Smartphone photography is ideal for the occasions when you want to travel light, yet capture memories.

Try Blissful Aromatherapy

Why not try aromatherapy to promote mental well-being.

The great thing about this practice, is that you can personalize it to meet your needs. Essential oil rollers are ideal for travel and I never leave home without lavender for relaxation and eucalyptus to energize.


Meditate and find your inner peace. The Insight Timer app is a great source for thousands of short & sweet tracks to start or end your day.

Make Time for Relaxation

Schedule in the activities that help you relax & unwind

There are lots of different relaxing activities you can work into any length trip. Whether a day trip, weekend getaway or vacation, making time to relax your mind and body is paramount in maintaining health & well-being.

Mind & Body Travel Tips

Disconnect in Nature

Nature can be a balm for silence, introspection and finding calm. So, be sure to spend time lapping up the healing and inspiration found in the great outdoors.

Take time to appreciate the beauty and wonders of nature, and connect with the energy around you. Whether it’s for 5 min or the entire day.

Prioritize Sacred Time

Spend some time alone to listen to your inner voice, heart, and mind.

Set aside sacred time for prayer, contemplation, and/or reflection. A morning travel routine is ideal for tuning inward, or work it into your outdoor adventures or time exploring religious sites.

Visiting places of worship or attending religious events can be a great way to learn and connect with different cultures.

Learn Something New

Keep your mind fresh & learn about something new. Explore a museum, take a local tour, or book a class. You never know what new skill you might bring home with you.

Go to a Live Performance

Lose yourself at a live performance. Immerse your mind and spirit in music, theater or dance and refresh your soul.

Leave Pockets of Free Time

Leave unscheduled pockets of time, then go where the wind blows.

Treat yourself, celebrate life & do something extraordinary or special. We only get one shot at this life, so let’s make it count!

Finally, take the time to reflect on your life and your journey. Ask yourself meaningful questions and explore your thoughts and feelings. Make sure to journal, meditate, and spend time in silence.

Nourishing Tips for The Body

Our bodies carry us through so much in daily life, so travel is a wonderful opportunity to really nourish the body as your explore new locales, cultures & cuisines.

Here are 12 ideas to reset and rejuvenate the body:

Fuel-Up with a Nutritious Breakfast

Kick-start the day with a nourishing breakfast. Enjoy a leisurely breakfast and focus on nutrient dense foods to fuel your adventures.

Healthy Travel Tips

Eat Local & Seasonal

There are so many good reasons to seek out local & seasonal dishes. Less shipping time means more flavor and nutrients, as well as, it allows you to explore the local food culture at the grass roots.

Always Carry Snacks

Carry nutrient-dense snacks to boost your energy, anytime, anyplace.

Chalk this up to lessons learned one too many times on the road. You know, like when that short hike turns out to be longer than expected. Or the restaurant you had in mind is closed. Or, the 2 hour drive becomes a 5 hour adventure! Anymore, you never know when your plane gets delayed or the train gets stopped on the tracks, so come prepared.

Add-in Fruits & Veggies

There always seem to be plenty of tempting treats and convenient carbohydrates on the road, so add in fruits and veggies whenever you can. Perhaps try for a lunch based salad or pick up fruit & nuts for your afternoon pick me up.

Relax with Deep Breathing

Whether you are a daily breath work devotee or simply looking to reboot your mind and body, take a few slow breaths. Your mind & body will thank you for the re-alignment.

Decompress at a Spa

Visit a spa to relax and unwind. Whether for a treatment or the day, put yourself in good hands and give yourself the gift of time for yourself.

Tune-in with Yoga

I love to find a serene and beautiful place to do yoga when traveling. Even if it is a short and simple yoga sequence, taking time to sync my mind and body and be present in the moment always pays dividends. Hotel balconies and parks are two of my regular stops.

Mind & Body Travel Tips

Take a Mindful Photo Walk

Explore & immerse yourself in a new location with a mindful photo walk. It’s the perfect way to stretch your legs and get present as you find into the nooks and crannies of a new place.

Unwind with Stretching

Take a few minutes to relax & unwind before bedtime with stretching.

Time sitting in transportation and new beds can leave your muscles tense. A few simple minutes of stretching will allow muscles to recover from thee strains and stresses that naturally comes with traveling. It’s also an ideal time to check in with yourself and see where you are holding tension, so you can lete it go.

Rent a Bike

Feel the freedom that comes from exploring on a bike. Rent a Bike, it might just make you feel like a kid again.


Smile, it’s good for you and others. A simple smile can change the arc of someone’s day and connect you to the energy of the world.

Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is so important for overall health, so be sure consider the strategies you’ll want to take with you, especially if you’re crossing time zones.

After having difficulty with sleep myself during a period of chronic pain, now I always make sure there are quality beds when choosing accommodation. Asking specific questions, looking for sleep programs and reading reviews are helpful.

In addition, simply taking your own pillow (or pillow case if flying), can give an added level of comfort. This mind & body travel tip is so very simple, but can make such a difference!

Taking care of the mind, body, & spirit allows us to be fully present. As a result, travel becomes more enriching & rewarding. And undoubtedly, that’s something we all want to whole-heartedly pursue.

So, on your next trip, be sure to focus on these mind and body travel tips, and escape to a healthier you!

until the next time…
…live well – travel well – be well

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Escape to a Healthier You: 25 Mind & Body Travel Tips

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Travel Coach, Teacher, photographer, serious dreamer & coffee lover who calls italy home

I'm Deanna, Your
Guide to Travel That
Inspires Well-Being!

Wellness is my path, passion & guiding light.

Integrating my life's work in Education and Sports Medicine, with my love of travel, I created Travel to Well-Being to help you amplify travel & photography as a wellness practices. It's a space of inspiration, empowerment & well-being.

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