
Awe Walks: An Engaging Way to Discover Everyday Wonder

How to Take an Awe Walk

Awe, just hearing the word can launch one into happiness and experiencing it…well that is an entire different level of bliss!

That’s because awe walks can point our compass to well-being, joy, meaning, and inspiration.

While it sounds aspirational, taking an awe walk is actually easy and practical. You can do it anywhere, from your own backyard to dream travel destinations like Venice, Edinburgh, or London. What this really means is that it’s an everyday self-care practice that can deepen your experiences.

Let’s unpack why awe matters and how to take an awe walk.

Fountains can be small pockets of awe in big cities!

Why Awe Matters

study out of Berkeley’s Greater Good Center found that adults who looked for awe reduced their stress levels and felt more connected to their communities and the world.

Think about that for a moment.

A simple and accessible practice such as taking awe walks can help to combat the modern day problems of stress and burnout.

Awe can be found by being open to the tiny details, like these tiles in Lisbon.

In a nutshell, the idea is simple, you can get out of your own head and step into the moment by proactively seeking wonder and awe.

Definitely count me in for more moments of wonder & awe. You too? Really, who knew self-care could be such fun!

As a travel coach with a deep interest in positive psychology, the past few years I’ve been exploring practical everyday ways to boost well-being.

When I read the book “Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life”, it totally changed my thinking. I realized awe was something that could be cultivated, not just something that happened once in a while.

That’s when awe became a regular part of my self-care plan as it is such an engaging avenue to expand well-being. I haven’t looked back since.

Awe Walks: An Engaging Way to Discover Everyday Wonder

The reality about positive emotions is this: fast-paced modern life means we have to get crafty about setting the stage to experience more awe in life. It needs to be simple, flexible, and enjoyable.

Awe walks check every box!

An awe walk at sunset, St. Ives.

With that in mind, here is a simple process to get the awe juices flowing. Since walking is an embodied process, it is a good match for getting out of our head and into the moment to experience the awe of our adventures, while rewiring our brains at the same time.

How to Take an Awe Walk

  • Choose Your Destination: Select a location that offers natural beauty or cultural richness. It could be a national park, a historic city center, a scenic coastal area, an architectural wonder, or any place that resonates with you.

  • Plan Your Route (Or Not): If you have a particular spot in mind, you might research the area beforehand to identify potential routes or things to be on the lookout for, like: trails, viewpoints, gardens, museums, architecture, or other attractions that make it easy to immerse yourself in the surroundings. Alternatively, you could just go with the flow and let the experience unfold organically. After all, sometimes the best surprises in life, are the unexpected ones. Choose what works best for you.

  • Schedule A Time: Set aside time specifically for your awe walk. Consider factors like how busy an area may get, weather, the time of day (sunrise or sunset can be particularly awe-inspiring), your energy levels, and how much time you have. Even a few minutes is enough to sink into awe, so don’t wait for the perfect time. Make the time and go!

  • Prepare Mindfully: Before you begin walking, take a few moments to center yourself. Sync your mind & body by taking a few deep breaths and feeling your feet in the ground. Then set an intention to be open to experiencing awe and wonder.

  • Engage Your Senses: As you are walking, engage all your senses to fully experience your surroundings. Notice the colors, textures, sounds, and scents around you. Slow down and take your time to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings. Both the everyday beauty & the extraordinary.

  • Capture Moments: If you feel inclined, bring a camera or use your smartphone to capture moments a few of the moments that inspire awe. Slowing down to practice mindful photography can deepen your connection with the experience and the photos will serve as sweet mementos of your experience.

  • Be Open to Serendipity: Allow yourself to wander and explore off the beaten path, even if you have a general route mapped out. Some of the most awe-inspiring moments can happen when you least expect them, so remain open to whatever pathway calls to you. This just might be the most unexpected, yet important idea when considering how to take an awe walk.

  • Reflect and Appreciate: After your walk, take some time to reflect on your experience. Write in a journal, share your thoughts with someone, or simply sit quietly and savor the memories you’ve just created. Even one minute of reflection can help your brain and body lock in the experience, which is calm embodiment right there.

Later in the day, you can take time to further reflect on your experience.

For example, I like to sit down and savor a coffee and have a mini replay of the adventure while journaling. It’s funny, but I often seem to notice different things when reviewing. And then, usually I send a few photos to my mom & dad’s Starlight frames.

If you’ve not familiar with these, they’re awesome digital frames that you can send photos through an app. Hands down, these are the best presents I’ve ever given. It is meaningful to be able to send photos directly to their frames, surprise them, & make their day.

How to Take an Awe Walk When Traveling

Since we’re all about travel as a pathway to well-being, let’s just talk for a minute specifically about awe and travel.

While awe walks are great to work into everyday life, they take on an entirely new life when you’re surrounded by the novelty of new places. In reality, most of the places we choose to spend our vacations time don’t lack in beautiful landscapes, unique architecture, or quirky details. Making it an ideal match for travel.

And the process? Well, it’s the same no matter where you roam

How to Take an Awe Walk

An Awe Inspiring View of The Dolomites from a Gondola

Let’s face it, taking an awe walk during your vacation can be a fantastic way to enrich your travel experience and create lasting memories.

For years I’ve experienced awe everywhere I traveled.
Cornwall at Sunset, you bet!
Standing on peaks in The Dolomites, oh yeah!
The first time I wandered the Roman Forum, for sure…and every time since.

While there are a variety of pathways that lead to awe, I find it most often in nature and architecture. Which is perhaps why taking awe walks when I travel is so darn uplifting!

Are You Ready to Give Awe Walks a Try?

In the end, just remember this, the goal of an awe walk is not just to reach a destination but to fully immerse yourself in the journey and cultivate a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around you.

It’s one endeavor that is definitely about enjoying the journey!

until the next time…
…live well – travel well – be well

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Travel Coach, Teacher, photographer, serious dreamer & coffee lover who calls italy home

I'm Deanna, Your
Guide to Travel That
Inspires Well-Being!

Wellness is my path, passion, & guiding light.

Integrating my life's work in Health Education and Sports Medicine, with my love of travel, I created Travel to Well-Being to help you amplify travel & photography as a wellness practices. It's a space of inspiration, empowerment,& well-being.

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