
7 Steps for Planning a Wellness Weekend Getaway

How to Plan a Relaxing Weekend Getaway

Sometimes you just need to escape daily life. To slow down and tend to yourself. To experience some peace & quiet. Know what I mean? If this sounds like what you need, it’s time to plan your next wellness weekend getaway.

The pressures of modern life can sure build from time to time. Making it essential that we make time to de-compress and take care of our well-being.

Thankfully, the change of scenery that travel affords is an easy & accessible way to hit the reset button.

Even more important, a wellness trip doesn’t have to cost thousands of dollars, include a retreat, or take you to exotic destinations.

You can recharge your mind, body, & spirit right in your back yard.

Even if you only have the weekend!

Wellness belongs to us all.

It’s a proactive approach we can take re-balance our high-paced and often overworked lives. It’s a way to tune-in & reset.

Wellness is about stringing together lots of small habits to make our lives more balanced and fulfilling.

If you’ve been here before, you’ll know that’s what we’re is all about, wellness travel. Learning to thrive & transform through travel. To be a better you.

Travel has transformed my life in deep and meaningful ways, so I’m passionately committed to sharing all I’ve learned through the many resources here at Travel to Well-Being.

Travel is truly one of the best forms of self-care out there & you can’t go wrong with a weekend away from it all!

How to Plan Your Ideal Wellness Weekend in 7 Simple Steps

With just a few simple steps and some intentional planning, you can craft a mindful weekend, to reboot.

If energy, sanity & calm are what you’re looking for, these steps for how to plan a wellness weekend will get you exactly where you want to be.

7 Steps for Planning a Wellness Weekend Getaway

Taking time to plan means there’s a better chance you’ll create the weekend you desire.

Go ahead, make the most of the process by putting on some good music, grabbing a glass of wine, and finding a favorite corner to plan your wellness weekend getaway!

1. Figure Out What Your Mind & Body Need

There are lots of reasons why we need a good weekend away every once in a while.

To escape, to disconnect, or even to get some much needed rest & relaxation. Think of it as a concentrated time to focus your self-care while traveling.

How to Plan a Wellness Weekend Getaway

When planning a weekend to recharge the batteries, it helps to start by evaluating your own health needs.

Decide what your mind & body need, so you can plan a destination that better suits those needs.

Here’s a simple wellness travel planning question to start with:

What does my mind & body need the most right now?

Because needs are ever-changing, asking self-reflective questions is really the starting point for any wellness getaway. Whether you’re taking a quick day trip, a weekend getaway, or better yet a vacation!

2. Make A Trip Intention

An intention is a guiding principal for how you want to show up in the world. It helps you make decisions about how to spend your time.

Having a clear intention for your weekend can help you stay grounded and connect with what matters most.

Start by asking yourself what you’d like to experience or what you’d like to align with for the weekend.

It could be a simple word that focuses on how you want to feel like “calm” or how you want to act, like “immerse”.

Here’s a helpful tip: writing your intention in your travel journal. it’s a good visual reminder.

3. Choose a Destination That Speaks to You

Choose a destination that will make you happy and match what your health needs.

You could pick an event or activity first, like a spa experience or a day hike, and then brainstorm location options.

Or, if a location is really calling your name, follow your intuition and then choose your activities.

Accommodation That Supports Well-Being During Travel

Don’t forget to factor in travel time.

Some destinations may make more sense than others, especially if are looking to really relax & unwind. Some locations may mean spending too much of your time in transit. Strike the balance that works for you.

4. Seek Out Accommodation That Supports Well-Being

Why not up your accommodation game and consider lodging that has something special to offer your well-being.

Maybe you want to properly rest & relax at a resort. Or wake up to the sounds of the ocean waves. Or escape to the peace & quiet of a cabin in the mountain.

Your comfort and surroundings can make a big difference in how you experience the weekend. So, find something that matches what you need.

5. Plan Activities That Nourish Your Mind & Body

Time away offers lots of new opportunities to recharge, as well as time to sink into the oldies but goodies that may already be a part of your self-care routine.

So, dive into the activities and experiences that will really support your mind & body.

Plan Activities That Nourish The Mind & Body On A Weekend Getaway

Activities both large and small can make a big difference in the feel of the day.

Simple things like reading a magazine and lingering over coffee can seem like a splurge compared to the typical weekday morning rush.

While other activities like paragliding or attending the theater can leave you inspired for days!

6. Schedule in Moments That Feed Your Soul

The more you nurture your soul, the happier you’ll feel.

Get quiet and pray or read a spiritual book. Journal, draw, or take photos. I know a mindful photo walk always sets things right in my world!

Don’t forget, nature is another ideal way to nourish your spirit.

For me, A good hike in The Dolomites is a regular way I commune with nature. Why? Because I ALWAYS come back feeling better.

7. Be Sure to Relax & Unplug on Your Getaway

Take some time away from phones, tablets, and computers. Give your brain a break and instead fill it up with other creative endeavors that you enjoy.

How to Plan a Wellness Weekend

Spend time with your travel companions, talk, laugh, & connect on a heart level. And remember, you can’t go wrong with digitally detoxing and spending some time outside.

It offers a great change of scenery from our mostly indoor daily environments.

Give yourself the gift of time in the living world, simply to connect to other living things.

Free time is a precious commodity, so get out there and enjoy yourself!

The key to purposeful travel is planning a bit, and then letting the rest simply unfold. Embrace the small things that add happiness to your day and make some new memories.

You’ll be glad you prioritized the time and space to tend to yourself.

I hope this motivates you to plan a wellness weekend getaway soon! And if you know someone else who could use a break, share this & support their wellness journey.

until the next time…
…live well – travel well – be well

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Travel Coach, Teacher, photographer, serious dreamer & coffee lover who calls italy home

I'm Deanna, Your
Guide to Travel That
Inspires Well-Being!

Wellness is my path, passion & guiding light.

Integrating my life's work in Education and Sports Medicine, with my love of travel, I created Travel to Well-Being to help you amplify travel & photography as a wellness practices. It's a space of inspiration, empowerment & well-being.

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