
A Girls’ Weekend Getaway in The Dolomites

If you want to relax & unwind in Northern Italy, then a girls weekend in The Dolomites might be just what you need!

The Dolomites are a wellness playground.

I’ve long championed the Dolomites as one of the best wellness travel destinations in Italy, and beyond.

These stunning mountains offer a smorgasbord of activities to recharge health & well-being.

The healing power of nature sits at your doorstep, there are year round outdoor pursuits for exercise, and nourishing food dishes are abundant.

A Girls' Weekend in The Dolomites

These mountains are magical and if Italy is on your travel agenda, you should consider visiting The Dolomites.

Especially if you:

An easy drive from Milan, Verona, and Venice….The Dolomites would be a great addition to any Italy itinerary.

Just back from a girls’ weekend in The Dolomites, I wanted to share a few of the things we did to recharge the batteries in Alpe di Siusi, South Tyrol.

Why The Dolomites are Ideal for Wellness

Living close to these majestic mountains in the region of Friuli, time in the mountains is often on the self-care agenda.

The mountains are a great place for self-reflection and time & time again, they’ve helped me to heal grief.

In addition, The Dolomites are a show-stopping location for photography!

A Girls' Weekend Getaway in The Dolomites

Recently, my friends and I were able to get out for a getaway. After round 3 of pandemic lockdown, we were all ready to spend some quality time with mother nature.

To experience the feeling of freedom that comes with being in the great outdoors.

Since it was a long holiday weekend, we went a bit further afield to Alpe di Siusi, in The South Tyrol province.

Also known as Seiser Alm in German, this quiet alpine plateau was an ideal place to slow down and really sink into a more leisurely pace.

We had our sights set on a slow travel girls weekend in The Dolomites!

A Girls' Weekend Getaway In The Dolomites

Our intention was simple, mindfully enjoy all that the mountains offer.

The great thing it that the activities we did aren’t exclusive to this location. Which means you can take these ideas anywhere you roam in the Dolomites.

No matter who you’re traveling with, if you want to plan a wellness infused self-care getaway in The Dolomites or Alps, these ideas are for you!

7 Things To Do On a Girls’ Weekend in The Dolomites

Ready to rejuvenate your well-being?

Here’s what a girls’ weekend in The Dolomites can look like. Take a few of these ideas on your next trip with you, your mind & body will thank you!

Recharge Your Well-Being with Hikes

This is the reason you go to the Dolomites, to hike!

Alpe di Siusi is one of my favorite places to hike in the Dolomites because there are over 900 miles of trails with 1,136 hikes. Can you say bucket list goals??

A Girls' Weekend  Getaway in The Dolomites

Many trails are easily accessible and comfortable for solo hikes. With huts serving food scattered across the plateau, it makes for a laid back hiking experience.

Rejuvenate with Sauna & Pool Time

Ahhh..can you feel the relaxation creeping in just thinking about it?

Thankfully, many accommodations in The Dolomites boast saunas, spas, & pools. Making this an easy wellness activity to work your agenda.

The hotel spa was our pitstop every afternoon when after we returned from hiking. The steam rooms, pool, and relaxation area were ideal places to refresh.

There was something rewarding about doing a long hike, knowing there was time to relax & unwind on the other side.

Oh, and there were massages too! You can’t forget to work out the tension from the work week on your down time!

Relax with Spritz O’Clock

The magical thing about stopping for an apertivo in The Dolomites, is that it often comes with a jaw-dropping view!

A Girls' Weekend Getaway in The Dolomites

The tradition of Aperitivo is one that we’ve all come to appreciate living in Italy. It’s just something we naturally do.

If it comes with an inspirational view that makes you pinch yourself, then all the better!

Find Bliss on a Balcony

Accommodations in the Dolomites often have a wealth of outdoor spaces like terraces & balconies. Which provide peaceful places to relax into happiness as you take in the splendid scenery.

The hotel we stayed at this trip, The Seelaus, came up spades in this department!

All of the rooms had balconies, providing a view of the massive Sciliar mountian peak or an intimate view of a tree-lined grove with a stream.

A Girls' Weekend Getaway in The Dolomites

I fell asleep to the sounds of the stream and woke up to streams of soft morning light peeking over the mountain.

These small moments made it easy to be present and sink into mindfulness.

Watching the sunrise & sunset, reading, or journaling are all moments made better when you can connect with the outdoors. It’s what balconies were made for!

Have an Evening Ritual

Rituals are a way to bond & celebrate.

They help to deepen connections and provide intimate moments that stay with us.

A Girls' Weekend in The Dolomites

Taking a cue from our Italian way of life, we all met up nightly for dinner. It was a nice way to relish the activities of the day and bring meaning to our experiences.

Of course, we ordered a different bottle of local wine every night. To better savor the food experience!

Experience The Awe of Stargazing

During this trip my friend introduced me to a stargazing app called Sky View Lite. It’s one cool app!

Basically, you point your phone at the sky to identify constellations, stars, planets, etc. As you scan the sky it tells you what you are seeing.

On our last night there, the sky was clear and there were millions of stars. It was a moment of awe to step out onto the balcony at midnight and experience the expansive night sky.

Identifying different stars was a mindful experience of connecting with the wonder in the world. This app is my favorite new toy for travel!

Support Local Businesses

Well-being is a concept that goes beyond each of us individually, it’s also about community.

This year, we’re been making even more of a conscious effort to support local businesses. It’s been heartbreaking to see so many mom & pop places struggle in Italy.

Of course, diving into the local scene is also a great way to explore and get a feel for authentic Italy too. It contributes to sustainable travel and helps the planet.

A Girls' Weekend in The Dolomites

So, how can you support local places in Italy? Here are a few of the things we did:

  • Stay at a family run hotel // We all loved The Seelaus, in Compatsch. I highly recommend this 4 star hotel to anyone to wants to connect with their hosts and feel at home in a welcoming atmosphere.

    The outdoor lounge area offers beautiful views and outrageously comfortable outdoor furniture, it’s perfect for relaxation.

  • Visit an agriturismo // We were sure to stop by one of my favorite working farms, the Malga Schgaguler Schwaige.

    This family run hut serves up delicious delights made with their own local products. Don’t miss the ricotta strudel, it’s to die for!

  • Shop mom & pop stores // On the drive home though Val Gardena, we stopped at a favorite family run shop to buy locally carved wood.

    Located in Selva, Erse Nature, is a wood haven! The family that owns this couldn’t be nicer and their sleep promoting pine stuffed pillows make great gifts.

The world of self-care is your oyster when you’re in The Dolomites. It’s a wonderful place to break up with your phone and immerse in nature.

One thing is for sure, no matter where you spend your time or what activities you do, you’ll leave feeling renewed & inspired.

And isn’t that what time away is supposed to do!

until the next time…
…live well – travel well – be well

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Travel Coach, Teacher, photographer, serious dreamer & coffee lover who calls italy home

I'm Deanna, Your
Guide to Travel That
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Wellness is my path, passion & guiding light.

Integrating my life's work in Education and Sports Medicine, with my love of travel, I created Travel to Well-Being to help you amplify travel & photography as a wellness practices. It's a space of inspiration, empowerment & well-being.

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