
 Grow in the direction of your dreams and live the sweet life with travel & photography as your guides.

La dolce vita way

Inspiration & tools to help you cultivate health, happiness, and personal growth.

 "We are so delighted to have the opportunity to work with Deanna!"

Jane Rolla
President, Learning Across America

one moment, one photo, & one trip at a time

WELCOME TO life at the intersection of wellness, travel, & photography...
 la dolce vita WAY.

" Thank you. The mindful photography activities inspire PRACTICE!
-Kathleen, Instructor

 external adventures
internal self-discovery

Transformative Travel is...

Tune-in, thrive & transform..

As we emerge from the challenges of the past few years, many of us are seeking a different way of traveling.

One that taps into a deeper and more intentional way to nourish, heal, connect & find meaning.

With the right planning, you can create your own unique and personalized path to wellness by crafting joyful travels that change you from the inside out

If you're searching for the tools & resources you need to create transformative travel experiences for your whole being, welcome home!


Wellness Travel

La Dolce Vita

What's Your Journey?

for Well-Being

BECAUSE travel is more than a destination, It's a time to invest in yourself.


what we do...

to help you...

cultivate better well-being
build a wellness travel lifestyle
travel with renewed meaning & purpose
deeply connect with your adventures
use travel and photography for personal growth

I'm Deanna...a wellness travel coach, educator, & photographer who calls Italy home.
What I want for you, is what I have found in exploring the world thru the lens... happiness, well-being, & transformation.

My approach is simple: with intention, tools, & resources, you can make your life and travel adventures more connective, joyful, & meaningful.

I help people grow and transform their lives.
Because health & well-being matter. Now more than ever!


By intentionally harmonizing wellness & travel, we tap into the transformative power of our adventures and shift into new ways of being in the world. Creating the space we need to become a more authentic version of ourselves...
one moment, one photo, and one trip at a time.

A New Way of Experiencing Travel...

Travel to Well-Being's mission is to help bridge the gap between the travel experience and wellness by creating programs, tools, and resources that prioritize health & well-being.

"Deanna demonstrates a command of the subject matter and has been a wonderful guest speaker for our online classes. We are so delighted to have the opportunity to work with Deanna!"

Jane Rolla
President, Learning Across America

Grow Your Life with Travel

one of enriching growth, driven by your north star. It's not about spas, luxury retreats, or trendy destinations. It's about you. 

We see wellness travel thru a different lens...


Explore Well-Being, The Italian Way

Make your next trip to Italy an investment in joy, inspiration, & well-being. 


Italy is more than the iconic sites, it's a way of life. You're going to want to slow down long enough to enjoy the simple pleasures, that's where you'll find the magic!

Discover Photography for Well-Being

Discover photography as a way to joy & well-being. Mindfully adopt the lens to deepen your experiences and better connect with yourself & the world.

Sync your inner & outer worlds as you explore the world, thru the lens.



Where life is about capturing the journey & the destination.



WELL-BEING VISIONARY, serious Dreamer, & happiest when hiking coffee lover who calls italy home

Ciao, I'm Deanna.


My zone of genius is creating programs and resources that help you cultivate health, happiness, & personal growth: with travel, photography taking center stage. Making it easier for you to...

As a travel coach & photographer, I'm all about creating a mosaic of wellness from the inside out: one moment, one photo, & one trip at a time.

  • more deeply connect with life
  • savor the moments
  • travel with meaning & purpose
  • capture the beauty thru the lens
  • embrace the dolce vita lifestyle

capturing wellness

Our newsletter is your compass for cultivating health and happiness at the intersection of wellness, travel, & photography. 

 With photography challenges, self-coaching resources, travel tips, and's your boarding pass to well-being, thru the lens of travel.

Join the journey, where living the sweet life and capturing wellness become the transformative tonic you need to nourish the mind, body, & soul.

a weekly newsletter for shutterbugs, travel lovers, & wellness seekers